Water Rights Course

I want to put a well on Dove Ranch at some point. I’ve tried figuring out Utah’s water laws and have failed for the most part. Then I found out that there is a Water Rights course offered by the Utah Division of Water Rights and the Rural Water Association of Utah. I decided, this would complement my permaculture training nicely, so I’m going to sign up for it.

water rights brochure 2017

If anyone else is interested, you can sign up online at www.rwau.net

Buying the Land

We got the land!

My wife and I signed for it, and the county recorded it. We’re the proud owners of 79 point something acres of dirt and sagebrush.  It’s actually closer to 80 acres, so I’ll probably call it 80 instead of 79 acres most of the time.

Funny, I was looking for just over one acre to grow some fruit trees, and all we could afford was 80 acres. All the 1+ acre parcels we looked at were four to ten times more expensive than this 80 acre parcel. Life works out that way sometimes.

Ranch Outer Dimensions
The ranch measures 1/2 mile by 1/4 mile. It totals nearly 80 acres. It’s a real fixer upper.

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